Alternatives Transformation Format
The motivation behind making the Alternatives Transformation Format is the quest to answer the questions: what is a systemic or transformative alternative, distinct from a change that is merely reformative within the existing system? what are the key elements of such an alternative, and how can one assess which elements are being transformed in an initiative? what about if one element is being transformed, but another remaining the same or regressing? how can those taking part in the change assess for themselves whether their process is holistic, and if not, how to make it so? And in all this, what kinds of worldviews, cosmologies, frameworks of values and ethics underpin such a transformation? This document is arranged according to (a) the key spheres of transformation: political democracy, economic democracy, social justice, cultural and knowledge diversity, and ecological wisdom; (b) the specific elements of which each of these sphere is comprised, and (c) the key indicators to enable assessment of whether positive transformation is taking place in each of these elements. Indicators are oriented more at outcomes than at processes, but the latter can also be built into the assessment as appropriate.
On Alternatives
The evolving Alternatives Framework note (printed booklet Vikalp Sangam: The Search for Alternatives also available). A newer version has been designed as of August 2024.
It has been translated into Malayalam.
Alternatives: Aspects & Principles – notes as of Feb 2015 – Ashish Kothari
The Search For Radical Alternatives: Key Elements and Principles – Kalpavriksh has published this 20-page booklet (also available as hard copy) on the search for radical alternatives, with examples of transformations in India in political, economic, social, cultural and ecological spheres, and how these bring up basic ethical values and principles of a change towards a just and sustainable society. (Hindi version and Telugu version also available.) Printed booklets also available.
This is a set of posters photographically narrating the idea of Vikalp Sangam through examples in various catagories. Introduction, Livelihoods 1, 2 and 3, Food & Agriculture 1, 2 and 3, Community-based conservation 1 and 2, Women’s Empowerment, Learning and Education 1 and 2, Decentralised Governance, Urban Sustainability 1 and 2, Energy, Ecotourism, Wild Foods, Food at Sangams and About Vikalp Sangam. The same set has been put together as a booklet – Initiatives of an Alternative nature. See the same in Hindi below:
विकल्प संगम के विचार को विविध उदाहरण ले कर छायाचित्रों के माध्यम द्वारा यहाँ स्पष्ट किया गया है: विकल्प संगम – परिचय, आजीविकाएं १, २ व ३, भोजन और खेती १ व २, एक किसान का शब्दचित्र, सामुदायिक संरक्षण १ व २, महिला सशक्तिकरण, शिक्षा और सीख १ और २, विकेंद्रीकृत अभिशासन, शहरी टिकाऊपन १ व २, ऊर्जा, पर्यावरणीय पर्यटन, जंगली आहार, संगमों के आहार और विकल्प संगम के बारे में। सारे उदाहरण पुस्तिका के रूप में एकत्र किये गए हैं। यह जानकारी अंग्रेज़ में पाने के लिए ऊपर दिया गया परिच्छेद देखिये.
Videos and Talks
Video on Vikalp Sangam by Srishti
- Localising food at Vikalp Sangam II
- Thematic Vikalp Sangam on Energy (electricity) at Bodh Gaya, Bihar. An illustrated webpage. (checked on 19 Sep. 2016)
More Talks from Vikalp Sangams
A series of videos that John D’Souza (CED) has put up on the Vikalp Sangam process.
Youth Sangam Videos – also by John D’Souza (CED)
A series of videos by Video Volunteers, depicting some of the stories on the Vikalp Sangam website.
Another series of videos by Video Volunteers
A series of videos by Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology
Case Studies and Reports
Briefing note Food in Our Lives: Ideas and Initiatives towards an Alternative Food System in India
Report on Ladakh’s Goba System The Goba of Ladakh: Current Relevance of a Traditional Governance System
Handout Note on Vikalp Sangams in English and Hindi (Sep. 2017)
Vikalp Sangam 2-page Flyer (A5 size) – Front and Back, and VS poster A3 size
Reports on Vikalp Sangam Core Group meetings
Vikalp Sangam Facilitation Team meeting Report – The Vikalp Sangam Facilitation Team (VSFT) was formed out of a discussion at the Vikalp Sangam Core Group meeting held in October 2021 at Dehradun with the goal to decentralise the varied functions of the network.
A representation of Vikalp Sangam on The Beacon.