Human settlements with sustainability, equity, and fulfillment. Sustainable, equitable means including non-motorised and public transport
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Human settlements with sustainability, equity, and fulfillment. Sustainable, equitable means including non-motorised and public transport
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This features both rural and urban areas, and the search to make human settlements sustainable, equitable, and fulfilling places to live and work in. This includes: sustainable architecture, localized generation of basic infrastructural, water and energy needs, urban biodiversity conservation, waste/garbage minimisation and recycling, efficiency and frugality in the use of these basics, the defense and revival of common and open spaces, participatory budgeting and planning of settlements.
We would also like to include stories of sustainable, equitable means of transport that can be accessed by all and that do not create ecological and social problems as is the case with a focus on privatized motorized transport. Stories on the promotion of public transport, cycling, walking, human/animal powered and other forms of ecologically sustainable and equitable transportation, planning for equitable access, reclaiming the roads and parking lots for public use, and so on, are featured.
Expensive, elitist models that may be ecologically sustainable but are not relevant for most people, are likely to be avoided here.
Learning, Collaboration, and Sustainability in the Himalayan Landscapes
The gathering’s core objectives were to foster knowledge sharing, enhance collaboration, and promote ecological awareness and cultural exchange.
क्रांतिकारी परिवर्तनाच्या दिशेने: भारतामधल्या विकल्प संगम प्रक्रियेचे दशक (In Marathi)
आपल्याला प्रक्रिया जितकी लोकशाही, सहभागी, वैविध्यपूर्ण आणि उत्साहवर्धक करता येईल, तितकी, अपेक्षित उद्दिष्टांपैकी किमान काही उद्दिष्टे साध्य करण्याची, तसेच काही अनपेक्षित फायदे मिळण्याची शक्यताही जास्त.
Citizen Movements Try To Stem The Decimation of Urban India’s Trees, In Era Of Record Heat & Toxic Dust
Citizens are using science, data and the power of collective action to demonstrate the benefits of trees and the need to protect them in urban areas as global warming accelerates.
मौलिक विकल्पों की राह (In Hindi)
विकल्प संगम पहल 'सामान्य' लोगों की नव प्रवर्तन, दृढ़ता, सहयोग और संकटों का समाधान खोजने की क्षमता का जश्न मनाने का प्रयास करती है। सार्थक भागीदारी की प्रक्रिया अपने आप में लोगों को सशक्त बनाती है।
Yogendra Yadav writes: What kind of India do we seek?
What does our future look like? What should it look like, if we could shape it? What kind of India do we seek? Can we envision something beyond the stale dream of a modern, developed, superpower with cutting-edge technology
Fact checking the responses given by Government in Parliament on the Great Nicobar Project
An analysis to aid Members of Parliament to seek further accountability from the government not just on the project, but also for the information placed before the Parliament on the project.
Press Release: National Vikalp Sangam Concludes with Resolution to Work Towards Ecological, Social, and Economic Justice, for India and for Kachchh
They will promote policies and programmes that can generate creative livelihoods (including in crafts, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, pastoralism, small manufacturing, and services) and also protect our natural environment.
पश्चिमी हिमालय के 25 संगठनों ने सामाजिक और पारिस्थितिकी मुद्दों के लिए मिलकर काम करने का संकल्प लिया (In Hindi)
बातचीत और चर्चा में सतत विकास मॉडल, सामुदायिक संरक्षित क्षेत्र और पश्चिमी हिमालय में मानव-वन्यजीव संघर्ष, लिंग समावेशन, भूमि कानून और पर्यटन सहित आम चुनौतियों सहित ‘विकल्पों’ के उदाहरण साझा करना शामिल था।
Building bridges: Why it need not be street vendors versus cities
Bazaars and street vending have existed in the oldest of societies across India, contributing to their growth and prosperity. Active participation and involvement, through statutory means, of vendors in the urban planning and governance mechanisms is needed