A Farming city: Farming along the banks of Yamuna
The narrative strongly advocates for localised and decentralised farming as an alternative for ecological deterioration, urban food insecurity, and the weakening of social bonds.
Walking for trees, for the love of trees, in Thiruvananthapuram
Tree Walk Thiruvananthapuram has evolved into a multi-pronged citizen action group organising walks, conducting tree mapping, building a language for people to talk about, connect with, and protect the city's trees.
Autonomy and pluriversal energy futures in Ladakh, India
In Ladakh, two constrasting visions of energy transition collide. One is a technocratic vision that pushes for large-scale energy infrastructure in an ecologically sensitive region. Another is an indigenous-led, place-based transition that promotes pluriversal technologies, low-impact lifestyles and democratically managed systems by and for the Ladakhi people.
Learning, Collaboration, and Sustainability in the Himalayan Landscapes
The gathering’s core objectives were to foster knowledge sharing, enhance collaboration, and promote ecological awareness and cultural exchange.
With Unity and Empowerment Women’s Groups Seek Many Paths of Progress
The 15 members of this group meet regularly and discuss social issues. It is this unity of the women which gave them the strength to confront those responsible for multiples issues in their hamlet.
A Simple Change Is Ending Saltwater Struggles & Period Woes for Women in the Sundarbans
To address health and sanitation issues, including menstrual hygiene, SEED focuses on increasing freshwater access as a strategic approach to address the complex issues affecting the mangrove forest.
Hyper-local climate predictions to protect Kerala from extreme weather events
Community-driven efforts in Kerala are establishing decentralised flood forecasting and early warning systems, with a 70% accuracy rate which enables vulnerable residents to take appropriate action before extreme weather events.
In the supermarket of democracy, choice is an illusion. Is there a real alternative?
The nation-state, and the model of electoral politics that underpins it, is a dead-end. We can learn from movements that practice deeper forms of democracy by moving towards a more holistic vision of ecologically responsible living, equitable economies and cooperative businesses, social justice, cultural identity and diversity, and alternative education.
क्रांतिकारी परिवर्तनाच्या दिशेने: भारतामधल्या विकल्प संगम प्रक्रियेचे दशक (In Marathi)
आपल्याला प्रक्रिया जितकी लोकशाही, सहभागी, वैविध्यपूर्ण आणि उत्साहवर्धक करता येईल, तितकी, अपेक्षित उद्दिष्टांपैकी किमान काही उद्दिष्टे साध्य करण्याची, तसेच काही अनपेक्षित फायदे मिळण्याची शक्यताही जास्त.