On the Cusp: Reframing Democracy and Well-Being in Korchi, India
People's movement towards self-rule and direct democracy in Korchi demonstrates how strengthening direct decision-making and building inclusive, transparent, financially strong and fair structures influences all spheres of social organisation, boosting economic, political, ecological, cultural and social wellbeing.

Put communities in charge of conserving sacred groves
For sacred groves and other ecosystems to thrive, a paradigm shift is needed: one that empowers local communities to manage forest and non-forest ecosystems based on their local environmental context through decentralised governance.

Foraging in Bengaluru: A source of sustenance, flavour
Some residents in Bangalore have adopted urban foraging practices, deepening their knowledge of the rich and diverse edible landscape of the city.

Living territory of Lachung
Such regional governance models have a decision-making system that is place-based and attuned to the needs and rhythms of respective bioregions.

Three Inspirational Decades of Vanvadi
What began as an initiative in ecological restoration has grown into an inspiring, and yet evolving, learning centre, that offers a living example of how to live in harmony with nature.

Munda women are safeguarding indigenous food systems
Women belonging to the Munda community in Jharkhand are keeping their culture and identity alive by continuing to practice age-old traditions associated with agriculture.

Walking for trees, for the love of trees, in Thiruvananthapuram
Tree Walk Thiruvananthapuram has evolved into a multi-pronged citizen action group organising walks, conducting tree mapping, building a language for people to talk about, connect with, and protect the city's trees.

Autonomy and pluriversal energy futures in Ladakh, India
In Ladakh, two constrasting visions of energy transition collide. One is a technocratic vision that pushes for large-scale energy infrastructure in an ecologically sensitive region. Another is an indigenous-led, place-based transition that promotes pluriversal technologies, low-impact lifestyles and democratically managed systems by and for the Ladakhi people.

Learning, Collaboration, and Sustainability in the Himalayan Landscapes
The gathering’s core objectives were to foster knowledge sharing, enhance collaboration, and promote ecological awareness and cultural exchange.