India Budget 2023: Green only in name?
All economic activity must be regenerative, in that it sustains the ecological and socio-cultural conditions it depends on for a thriving society
Santosh Bai: Transitioning towards natural farming
She prefers her homemade fertilizers and pesticides like Amritpani, cow dung fertilizer and used Neem water and Akao leaves for pest control
Vikalp Sangam: A Movement for Alternatives
Exciting alternative initiatives for meeting human needs across India!
The New Scientific Revolution
The Citizen Science movement in India is re-envisioning scientific endeavour, public literacy, and participation.
The Field of Learning
Children and young people have extraordinary agency, intelligence, and the capacity to relentlessly question.
Traversing Climate Change
The relationship between the herd and the shepherd is one of mutual dependency; the herd is the herders' family.
Productive Efficiency Of Traditional Multiple Cropping Systems Compared To Monocultures Of Seven Crop Species: A Benchmark Study
These family farms support cereals, fruit trees, tuber plants, vines, herbs, and vertebrate and invertebrate fauna
Neither govt nor protesting farmers recognise challenge of depleting natural resources and climate crisis
Any sound economic and techno-scientific model must have agroecology and equity at the core.
What you can repair is what you own
The right to enjoy, manage and alienate his belonging, be it movable or immovable - ‘If you can’t fix it, you don’t own it.’