Why doing nothing is a radical act for India’s women – photo essay
‘Leisure is a feminist issue’ says Surabhi Yadav, whose photography project captures carefree moments of women around her
Fight with Care [Ambedkar Jayanti]
FIGHT WITH CARE brings you the voices of fisherwomen who maintain this delicate ecosystem through everyday acts of care.
Sisters of Tezpur: Assam’s little-known feminist collective which pushed for fixed meal times, women’s leisure
Northeast Lightbox shines the light on Assam’s little-known feminist history by documenting the history of the Tezpur Mahila Samiti
पर्यावरण संवर्धक मत्स्यपालन (In Marathi)
तलावांचे पुनरुज्जीवन करणाऱ्या आणि समुदायांना सशक्त करणाऱ्या उपक्रमाविषयीची कथा
मछली पालन और बदलाव (In Hindi)
एक पहल के बारे में एक कहानी जो झीलों को पुनर्जीवित करती है और समुदायों को सशक्त बनाती है
Community Forest Rights & The Pandemic: Gram Sabhas Lead the Way (in Malayalam)
Empowerment of villagers to govern and manage local natural resources can sustain economies!
महामारी में फुलवारी के पलते बच्चे (in Hindi)
महामारी के दौरान फुलवारी से बच्चों को पोषण मिला। यहां की रसोई से गर्भवती महिलाओं व जरूरतमंद मजदूरों को भी भोजन मिला।
Women Are Climate Leaders, Not Victims
Roofing with an affordable material that is stronger, cooler, waterproof, fireproof and made of recycled materials.
The Water Managers in Kibber
The irrigation technique is passed on from mother to daughter, from the time little girls start helping in the fields.