
Policy Edits.

Policy Editorials.

Look beyond the looks: To strategize and promote native trees in urban India

Conservation of species is possible in the cities too only if we are careful enough in doing the science and then reaching out to the government bodies and corporate houses to inform that science.

Water and Elections: Vikalp Sangam Sets an Alternative Agenda for Water

Extensive consultations should be held on rights of rivers among all stakeholders to draft a Rights of Rivers Act

The Election Horizon and The Rainbow

The rainbow has been a symbol of the queer community. It is natural and beautiful but it is also rare. Can we see the rainbow in India’s national election horizon?

Young Hope for India in 2024?

How many of us, young people, have this agency today in modern India to question our governments against all the environmentally destructive policies, communalism, and decisive politics?

Churning The Earth

Ordinary people constructing alternatives like sustainable farming, community-led ecotourism and conservation, revival of crafts, activity-based learning, decentralised water harvesting, local governance and direct democracy.


How does one resist consumer culture and also aspire to greater self-awareness when the prevailing social winds are headed frantically in another direction?

Alternative Developmental Paths in the Western Himalayas

At the core of all these is the motivation to ensure overall happiness of communities, which cannot be ensured solely through economic well-being.

Ahimsa Conversation with Anantanand Rambachan

Anantanand Rambachan explains how the divinity of all forms of life is the core of Hinduism and how this forms the basis of the concept of nonviolence.

Socio-political and environmental dynamics of Manipur’s Loktak Ramsar site

Scientists studying the ecological profile of the lake say that many species of native plants, fishes and other invertebrates have steadily declined