पर्यावरण संवर्धक मत्स्यपालन (In Marathi)
तलावांचे पुनरुज्जीवन करणाऱ्या आणि समुदायांना सशक्त करणाऱ्या उपक्रमाविषयीची कथा
मछली पालन और बदलाव (In Hindi)
एक पहल के बारे में एक कहानी जो झीलों को पुनर्जीवित करती है और समुदायों को सशक्त बनाती है
India at 75: Stepping back from an ecological abyss
The biggest challenge: can ecological sustainability be ensured while generating livelihood security and dignity for more than a billion people?
Elopa and Etugu villagers declare ancestral land as community conserved area
The state government is working with the Centre on a legal framework to allow the state’s tribal communities to gain legal land rights over their customary land.
Putting Earth’s Life-support Systems on Fire, Equity and Justice Forgotten
We need to demand that all nations take immediate corrective steps to act honestly and genuinely on the above mentioned climate actions, bring many people’s alternatives into serious consideration and review these as genuine alternative pathways to a sustainable and equitable world
Collaborative Knowledge Building – The story of River Kaigal
How a high school EVS class led to a Community Conservation and Collaborative Knowledge Building
The Right of Passage
A Graphic Novel - The river nurtures us, nourishes us; we must fight for her right to flow!
Indigenous-led conservation in Nagaland preserves rare wildlife
‘We want to know what animals live here and how to better protect them.’ said the local community.
Fish sanctuaries and community support for conservation of Meghalaya’s mahseer
“Not just fishes, the aquatic life, in general, is thriving as a result of these fish sanctuaries,”