Mapping hope and inspiration: Towards a just, sustainable, equitable society, by Ashish Kothari, published by Wall Street International magazine, 13 August 2021.
The material on this website provides an exciting glimpse of the counter-narratives to mainstream development, politics and economics in the country. The map is intended to provide readers, researchers, students and practitioners with a user-friendly tool to navigate through this material. Since the scale of many of these initiatives is small, they go unnoticed; the website and specifically the map hope to ‘visibilise’ these invisible efforts by ‘ordinary’ people across the country. Aug. 2021. https://wsimag.com/economy-and-politics/66585-mapping-hope-and-inspiration
Condemning the new farm laws, Vikalp Sangam urges the government to help the country move towards a more sustainable, regenerative and diverse agricultural system. Published by Inclusive Media for Change on Dec 5, 2020 (https://www.im4change.org/latest-news-updates/condemning-the-new-farm-laws-vikalp-sangam-urges-the-government-to-help-the-country-move-towards-a-more-sustainable-regenerative-and-diverse-agricultural-system.html)
आदिवासी जानते हैं स्वाद और पौष्टिकता (in Hindi)
लेखक बाबा मायाराम. प्रकाशक सर्वोदय प्रेस सर्विस. 9 दिसंबर 2016.