Videos on Alternatives

Videos on initiatives of an Alternative nature created for Vikalp Sangam or other processes

Videos on initiatives of an Alternative nature created for Vikalp Sangam or other processes

Sangham Sisters: Empowerment for Ecological Justice

The film explores the relationship between ecology and democracy, with the case study of Deccan Development Society Sanghams

Crafting the Future

The revival of craft, food and agriculture traditions in Nagaland, is leading to stronger livelihoods, women's empowerment, and conservation of biodiversity.

Korchi: Towards Adivasi Self-Governance

They strive for environmental conservation, cultural identity, and gender equality, forging a path towards a sustainable future, through collective activism.

Churning The Earth

Ordinary people constructing alternatives like sustainable farming, community-led ecotourism and conservation, revival of crafts, activity-based learning, decentralised water harvesting, local governance and direct democracy.

Gardens of Resilience: How Gond Adivasi Women Are Cultivating Change Amid Crisis

A call to action for recognising and funding genuine, community-led gender-just climate solutions, providing women access to clean energy to meet their daily needs.

बणःतु हको कथाःरे Bana-Tu Haqo Kathare | Forest Rights Chronicles || A film by Himdhara Collective

The film traces through indigenous testimonies traces the evolution of socio-ecological systems in Lahaul

Songs of Resistance: Aarey

Resisting powerful forces, their music and activism persist, challenging mainstream development narratives and advocating for environmental justice and Adivasi rights.

Ahimsa Conversation with Anantanand Rambachan

Anantanand Rambachan explains how the divinity of all forms of life is the core of Hinduism and how this forms the basis of the concept of nonviolence.

Traditional House Restoration in Ladakh

This short video highlights the importance of using local and sustainable methods and materials for construction.