तमिलनाडु में आदिवासियों के लिए अस्पताल (In Hindi)
इस अस्पताल में आदिवासियों का कम कीमत पर अच्छा इलाज किया जाता है।
This Goa Couple Grows Their Veggies & Fish Without Using Soil or Chemicals!
On a mere 185 square meters, the Singhs have cultivated a thriving garden of 3,000 plants and produce 120 kilograms of fish annually, all without the use of harmful chemicals.
Sangham Sisters: Empowerment for Ecological Justice
The film explores the relationship between ecology and democracy, with the case study of Deccan Development Society Sanghams
पशुओं से मिली आजीविका की नई राह (In Hindi)
पशुओं की देखभाल करने से अच्छे पोषण के साथ आजीविका मिल रही है। जैविक खेती व किचिन गार्डन के लिए जैव खाद के साथ भी मिलती है।
With natural farming base, FPO takes off
The transition to natural farming has helped the women farmers in MP save money, conserve soil health, and produce better and healthier crops.
India’s palm oil plans wreak havoc on the ground
Government policy would benefit from encouraging local and ecologically-appropriate oil-bearing crops rather than massively supporting oil palm.
Farmer leaders from 18 states resolve to oppose GM crops
"We need is a biosafety policy, not a policy on GM crops," said farmer leaders Kavita Kuruganti and KT Gangadhar
Farmers pin hopes on new agricultural calendar to weather climate variabilities
Wayanad farmers create a new agricultural calendar harnessing traditional farming knowledge in a bid to adapt to climate change.
मिट्टी-बीज बचाने का अनोखा मेला (In Hindi)
बीजोत्सव में सुरक्षित व पौष्टिक खान-पान पर ज़ोर दिया जाता है।