एकता की एकांत ग्रामीण परिदृश्य (लैंडस्केप) में उद्यम की यात्रा (In Hindi)
एक गाँव की उद्यमिता को नीचे से बनाने में समुदाय और नेटवर्किंग की भूमिका
Ekta’s journey in the lonely landscape of a rural entrepreneur
The role of networking and community in building a business bottom-up
The Silent Revolution
"When we are making a thread, what comes out of it is another thing, but the inner process we go through while making it is what is transformational, liberating, honest and holds the true integrity of labour and self.," says Rupsi.
Artisan-supportive Innovative Enterpreunership in Ladakh
Creating local employment in Ladakh, a semi-nomadic entrepreneur is developing a support system for local artisans
KASKOM: Revival of Desi Cotton
Kaskom - connecting the Khadi people across the country to work with Indigenous (desi) cotton.
महिलाओं की मेहनत रंग लाई (in Hindi)
इससे महिलाएं आत्मनिर्भर हुई हैं, उनके परिवार की आर्थिक स्थिति मजबूत हुई है, बच्चों की शिक्षा बेहतर हुई है।
New and Useful from the Old and Useless
The weavers use about 5 kilos of the fabric extracted from old clothes to create a bedcover or other article
Weaving an urban fabric
"Textiles can transform not just the appearance of a building but also its function”