Society, Culture and Peace

Enhancing socio-cultural well-being, ensuring justice and equity

Featured here are initiatives to enhance social and cultural aspects of human life: the revival and progressive use of visual, performing, and other arts, of the myriad crafts of the country, of threatened or submerged languages, of food and cuisine diversity, and other such cultural traits and processes. They also cover the various struggles and constructive movements to achieve social justice, to reduce inequalities and inequities of various kinds including caste, class, gender, ethnicity, and religion, and to create dignity in living for those currently oppressed and exploited. Finally, they include movements to generate ethical living and thinking, and spread values such as simplicity, honesty, frugality, and tolerance.

Plant Man Miguel Braganza on how Konkan Fruit Fest preserves food biodiversity

The motto: To preserve, celebrate and propagate the region’s rich variety of local fruits and vegetables and its corollary food heritage and culture

India’s permaculture movement is being taken forward by young people

The principles of permaculture suggest observing and interacting with nature, obtaining yield,  capturing and storing energy, drawing from natural patterns, producing zero waste, accepting feedback and regulating self.

Fish sanctuaries and community support for conservation of Meghalaya’s mahseer

“Not just fishes, the aquatic life, in general, is thriving as a result of these fish sanctuaries,”

Championing community mobilisation to conserve water resources

Farmers switch over to millets in this semi-arid village in Andhra Pradesh due to the efforts of a community resource person

Rural Women Celebrate Siali Uchsav for Forest and Livelihood Protection

The women dependent on Siali leaves decided to conserve and regenerate the forest after finding that there were only a few Siali creepers left.

Engaging with the Pandemic: Hope and Despair in five villages of Chhattisgarh

Koliyari was the only village that not only remembered the road to a self-dependent past but also agreed to tread such a path.

The duo who revolutionized the folk culture of Rajasthan

An institute that set the ball rolling in the field of folklore, art and music in Rajasthan.

Folk singer & orphans rejuvenate barren land

Students walk up to a hilltop, daily, and water the sapling planted the previous day before putting a new one into the soil.

Folk artists as record-keepers of the pandemic

For perhaps the first time, folk and tribal artists around the country have been united by a common theme: Covid-19.