सतपुड़ा की घाटी में हरियाली (in Hindi)
आदिवासियों की पेड़ लगाने की पहल से न केवल हरियाली बढी है, उनकी खाद्य सुरक्षा हुई है, आमदनी बढ़ी है। इससे महामारी में बड़ा सहारा मिला है।
Uncultivated foods – The hidden treasure
They are now involved in creating Food Forest for in-situ conservation of these wild food sources inside the forest
Is permaculture a real solution to agricultural distress?
Ensuring food security and diversity of food, seed security, nurturing of the ecosystem and, more importantly, protecting health of communities.
From Lodhi Garden to your dining table: Foraging for food in New Delhi
“Most of the plants dismissed as weeds are edible and we don’t even know it. We walk past them every day ..."
Generating alternative sources of livelihood through farm forests
Vegetables, pulses and oilseeds were cultivated, protected and nurtured ... The produce was equally shared by members
Farmers Are Building Food Forests to Fight Climate Change, Agrarian Crisis
Mimicking forests, farmers across India have started transforming farms into a layered cropping system - climate resilient and more productive.
Auroville’s innovators
The mystery of Auroville - celebrating a few initiatives and individuals
आदिवासियों की हरियाली यात्रा (IN HINDI)
हरियाली बढ़ेगी, कुपोषण दूर होगा, जैव विविधता बचेगी और पर्यावरण भी बचेगा।
Harvesting hope: the permaculture movement in India
Permaculture farms offer food throughout the year, reduce waste and pests and keep the soil healthy and productive.