alternative education
Sustaining a river through young minds

A dying river is sought to be conserved by ensuring a steady stream of young, local foot soldiers involved in her protection.

Centre For Learning

An environment that nurtures learning as a living, vital process of inquiry

Why Abhyasa Vidyalayam in Vijayawada is the very definition of wholesome learning

Students do not carry heavy books to school, have a games period and at least one co-curricular activity each day!

Recrafting Indian education

Will our children thank us for equipping them well for a future that is unclear?

What happens at LSUC doesn’t stay at LSUC

"I want better responsiveness. We need to train ourselves to be prepared for uncertainty."

Kalkeri Sangeeth Vidyalaya: A School for Music and More

KSV believes that it is the fundamental right of all children to have access to education, adequate food, healthcare facilities

Meet Taukeer Alam, the school dropout who has become one of Uttarakhand’s top birders

He handles field equipment with ease, enters field data in computer, analyses video footage of woodpeckers, initiates nature clubs in villages...

आदिवासियों की उम्मीद है आधारशिला (in Hindi)

यहां हाथ से काम करने, आसपास के परिवेश और समाज से सीखने पर जोर दिया जाता है

Ecologies of Hope and Transformation: Post-Development Alternatives from India (2018)

The stories in the book challenge inequality, ecological damage, centralised governance, and the currently dominant model of development.