The film features the highly innovative Swaraj Jail University based in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. It is a space for the learner-inmates to connect to their deeper purpose and passion. This project was initiated in October 2018. Thanks to facilitators core team: Diken Patel, Indira Talreja, Monu Kushwaha, Priyank Kashyap and Manish Jain. All the music has been written and sung by the learner-inmates themselves – Parmeshwar Bhai and Judge Bhai. More music videos on the Jail University Musicians youtube channel. Film by Sanjay Maharishi and Govind Kharol. Film produced by the Indian Multiversities Alliance ( and Shikshantar Films ( We welcome your involvement in the project.
The Swaraj Jail University was started in 2018 by Shikshantar Andolan, Art of Living, Gandhi Ashram – Moved by Love, Navgurukul, Edible Routes Foundation and the Udaipur Central Jail inmates and staff.
First published by Manish Jain on 8 Aug. 2019