Learning and Education

Learning processes focusing on ethics, sustainability, equity, and well-being

This section features stories of initiatives to create spaces and opportunities for learning and education that enable continued or renewed connection with the environment and nature, with one’s community, and with humanity as a whole. These are stories of efforts to nurture a fuller range of collective and individual potentials and relationships, stories of unlearning the alienating, individualizing ‘education’ that mainstream institutions have been giving, stories where the formal and the informal, the traditional and modern, the local and global, are synergized. Initiatives ensuring accountability of the state’s responsibility towards citizens in education would also be covered.

जिसने बच्चों में उम्मीद के बीज बोए (in Hindi)

"... पूरी दुनिया के बच्चों को किताबें, वीडियो, मेरे बनाए खिलौनों को बनाना सीखने के तरीके मुफ्त में उपलब्ध कर सकूं..."

मालवा के कबीर से एक मुलाकात (In Hindi)

कबीर भजनों के साथ साथ बातचीत करना, चाय पीना, दोस्ती बढ़ाना और अपने दुख-दर्दों को आपस में बांटना और इन भजनों में इसके समाधान ढूंढ़ना, लोगों को इससे जोड़ता है।

The tribal school of Kechala

Don't go there for a day or two - it's just too less

This Rural School Teaches Only ‘Out of System’ Children and Achieves 100% Results

Kaliyuva Mane in Karnataka takes inclusiveness to a new level.

From Mainstream to Multiversities

Multiversities Alliance enables members to share pedagogical innovations ... and to mentor projects which respect peoples’ diverse knowledge systems

Conservation Education: Planning to Educate, Educating to Plan

The deliberations were focused and upheld a high quality, stressed on group activities and ensured a high degree of participation.

झोले में लायब्रेरी (in Hindi)

चहक की लायब्रेरी में चित्रकला, हाव-भाव के साथ कविता सुनाना, खेल-कूद करवाना और कहानी-कविता का नाट्य रूपांतरण आदि गतिविधियां भी होती हैं।

They have a dream

They set up a small library for children in Keeranur, a village near Dharapuram and organised storytelling and art and craft workshops for them.

Where children Defy odds to make a future

After a few months, I can hand over the responsibility of the space to the locals who take ownership of everything, including the financials.