Learning and Education

Learning processes focusing on ethics, sustainability, equity, and well-being

This section features stories of initiatives to create spaces and opportunities for learning and education that enable continued or renewed connection with the environment and nature, with one’s community, and with humanity as a whole. These are stories of efforts to nurture a fuller range of collective and individual potentials and relationships, stories of unlearning the alienating, individualizing ‘education’ that mainstream institutions have been giving, stories where the formal and the informal, the traditional and modern, the local and global, are synergized. Initiatives ensuring accountability of the state’s responsibility towards citizens in education would also be covered.

Bhimashankar villagers multiply indigenous seeds

They pack one kg of a variety of indigenous seeds in cloth bags and sell them at exhibitions to encourage more farmers to cultivate them.

Kalkeri Sangeeth Vidyalaya: A School for Music and More

KSV believes that it is the fundamental right of all children to have access to education, adequate food, healthcare facilities

बच्चों की फुलवारी (in Hindi)

फुलवारी में बच्चों को स्वादिष्ट, गरम पतला और मुलायम भोजन के साथ उनका खास ध्यान रखा जाता है।

Meet Taukeer Alam, the school dropout who has become one of Uttarakhand’s top birders

He handles field equipment with ease, enters field data in computer, analyses video footage of woodpeckers, initiates nature clubs in villages...

A new tribe of storytellers is using every trick in the book to keep you rapt

How to give children of the digital generation a sense of earth - may be through stories ?

बच्चों की उम्मीद है चिंगारी ट्रस्ट (in Hindi)

गैस पीड़ित व प्रदूषित भूजल (यूनियन कार्बाइड के आसपास) प्रभावित महिलाओं और बच्चों के हितों के लिए चिंगारी ट्रस्ट काम करता है।

आदिवासियों की उम्मीद है आधारशिला (in Hindi)

यहां हाथ से काम करने, आसपास के परिवेश और समाज से सीखने पर जोर दिया जाता है

An alternative school in rural Kerala is teaching tribal children life lessons

Gothrathalam school aims at preventing Dalit and Adivasi students from being isolated

Sonam Wangcuk – winner of Magsaysay award

It’s not a conventional school, but a place to pursue practical, environmental, social and traditional knowledge, values and skills.