Environment and Ecology

Environmental conservation and sustainability, respecting ecological integrity and limits

This section relates to initiatives that promote the principles of ecological integrity and limits. These are initiatives which envision models of decentralized conservation of land, water and biodiversity, based on a respect for both local and modern knowledge, and considering environment as an integral part of life and work. It also highlight attempts at linking livelihoods to ecological regeneration and restoration at local and landscape level. It will feature innovative attempts to deal with problems of pollution and waste. Overall, this section will try to work towards an understanding of the ecosystem which includes sociological, historical and geographical considerations while deciding on the path that local urban/ rural communities and the larger society take towards well-being.

Women Are Climate Leaders, Not Victims

Roofing with an affordable material that is stronger, cooler, waterproof, fireproof and made of recycled materials.

Give indigenous people their rights to tackle climate change: Archana Soreng

The youth advisor to the UN Secretary-General speaks on nature-based solutions at Joe Biden’s virtual climate summit

When dugong and D’Souza spent the whole day underwater watching each other

There is hope for slow-breeding sea cows around A&N islands - they are not isolated.

Vedanthangal – Protecting our Future

Children and youth protest against the denotification of Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary by making art

The story of Jakkur lake sets an example for inclusive rejuvenation projects

Jakkur Lake in north Bengaluru has received many accolades for creating and sustaining the rejuvenation and conservation initiative.

Young Farmers in Ladakh: The Future of Our Food

Growing ranks of youngsters are returning to Ladakh to contribute to a new form of progress.

Community restores grasslands in Lamkani, making the village drought-resilient

"Conservation in community-protected grasslands succeeds because is tied to the livelihoods of the people,”

The Field of Learning

Children and young people have extraordinary agency, intelligence, and the capacity to relentlessly question.

Gond community to drop ancient cremation ritual to save trees

The Gond community has decided to bury instead of cremating their dead, with an aim to reduce the number of trees cut for funeral pyres.