
People-centred governance and decision-making, ensuring accountability and transparency

This section features initiatives and approaches towards people-centred governance and decision-making, with direct participation, and based on principles of social and environmental justice. This includes initiatives attempting to realize local non-hierarchical systems of decision-making in urban and rural areas, and linkages of these to each other at bio-cultural levels. This would also include collectives or communities that raise non-party political concerns at the local level and beyond, as well as initiatives that enhance accountability and transparency of political bodies. It will include alternative policy frameworks that are based on or promote the alternative economies featured elsewhere on this site, such as meaningful practices and concepts of well-being, instead of the mainstream development model which focuses on economic growth.

Dharani: Towards Holistic Agriculture

Dharani Farming and Marketing Cooperative is a producer-owned and managed business enterprise of smallholder farmers located in Andhra Pradesh promoted by Timbaktu Collective

Not a token in your hands (Poem)

This is a poem written from the point of the view of the Nicobar Megapode - a threatened bird endemic to the island and the Shompen and the Great Nicobarese.

The Election Horizon and The Rainbow

The rainbow has been a symbol of the queer community. It is natural and beautiful but it is also rare. Can we see the rainbow in India’s national election horizon?

Young Hope for India in 2024?

How many of us, young people, have this agency today in modern India to question our governments against all the environmentally destructive policies, communalism, and decisive politics?

Korchi: Towards Adivasi Self-Governance

They strive for environmental conservation, cultural identity, and gender equality, forging a path towards a sustainable future, through collective activism.

Churning The Earth

Ordinary people constructing alternatives like sustainable farming, community-led ecotourism and conservation, revival of crafts, activity-based learning, decentralised water harvesting, local governance and direct democracy.


How does one resist consumer culture and also aspire to greater self-awareness when the prevailing social winds are headed frantically in another direction?


In solidarity for the wellbeing and sustenance of our Himalayan natural heritage - glaciers, rivers, alpine pastures, forests and lands and diverse inhabitants whose identity and survival depend on the Himalaya.

Alternative Developmental Paths in the Western Himalayas

At the core of all these is the motivation to ensure overall happiness of communities, which cannot be ensured solely through economic well-being.