Dancing away from drugs

“Children who are addicted to correction fluid and alcohol fall while dancing, but it is my job to make them stand again,” he says.

A silicon tide lifts many boats

Free Software Movement of Karnataka teaches children from the slum how to wield a mouse and use open source software to gain 'whitecollar' skills.

The Sight of a Blind Farmer Gave This Man the Vision to Create a Better Bihar

What do a football programme, a hospital and a vocational training programme have in common? One man’s vision for a better Bihar.

The real-world Khan

His mission is to rescue his fellow faithful from religious fundamentalism, bring them into the country’s mainstream, present a peaceful picture of Islam, and eventually create a humanitarian secular society in India.

Sherdukpen: finding a recipe to fit the future

Enthusiastic bands of young people from this small tribal community in Arunachal Pradesh are trying to ind their future to their traditional roots

University Without Classrooms, Teachers, Degrees, Curriculum, Exams: Swaraj University

Democratic education has helped khojis be more tolerant, patient and learn to look at other’s point of view- which is very essential in today’s living.

Teach a Girl to Farm, and Transform Her Life in the Process

By empowering West Bengali girls to grow food, their economic value is increased, making parents less likely to marry off their daughters or sell them ...

Weather Wise

Its areal view even shows you the condition of clouds in your area.

Indian Youth on the track of the climate dialogue

“The leaders should act as if there is no tomorrow,”