womens rights
This Village in Rajasthan Plants 111 Trees for Every Girl Child Born. Thanks to One Man’s Vision.

Piplantri villagers in Rajasthan encourage empowerment of women and environment conservation, along with increasing employment opportunities.

Budget beyond gender

Women are not considered farmers despite their active participation in farming in rural India. A gender responsive budget is essential to empower women farmers.

‘We are living through change’: How theatre is empowering women in the Sunderbans

Jana Sanskriti’s intervention has led to greater voice for the wife and effected changes in opinion over what a prototypical ‘good wife’ is.

Grounded in Communities: People-Powered Alternatives Spark Hope in Kachchh

Spotlighting grassroots voices and faces that are amplifying ecological alternatives to promote dignified livelihoods, sustainable agriculture and traditional arts

महिलाओं के लिए संघर्ष करने वाली केशीबाई को अंतरराष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार से नवाजा गया (in Hindi)

पिछले बीस सालों से महिलाओं के हक में संघर्षरत केशी बाई वृक्षारोपण और जलसंग्रहण का अनूठा कार्य भी कर रहीं हैं

Fighting Patriarchal Structures of Decision-Making

Kesi Bai has been able to challenge traditional views and promote gender equality and women’s participation in community decision-making.

Glimpses of Kachchh Vikalp Sangam

The sixth Vikalp Sangam gathering was organised at Bhuj by local groups and individuals ...

Behind the beautiful forevers

The difference it can make for women in slums to have safe, clean sanitation facilities, the time it can free up for them, the freedom it gives them.

Solar Panels and Solidarity

The adivasi women of Edamalakudi, Kerala’s remotest panchayat, have helped light up their villages with solar power!