Why doing nothing is a radical act for India’s women – photo essay
‘Leisure is a feminist issue’ says Surabhi Yadav, whose photography project captures carefree moments of women around her
The Threads of Empowerment
The women today value their skills, feel dignified about their work, earn for their families, and want equal status in the household. They no longer stand silently before violence.
सामुदायिक वन अधिकार और महामारी : ग्राम सभा ने दिखाई राह
ग्रामवासियों का स्थानीय प्राकृतिक संसाधनों पर अधिकार, उनके आर्थिक सशक्तिकरण को बढाता है
Community Forest Rights & The Pandemic: Gram Sabhas Lead the Way!
Empowerment of villagers to govern and manage local natural resources can sustain economies!
Stories of Change – case studies on Development Action and Impact
Encouraging social sector organisations to invest in developing a grounded knowledge base
A Course Reserved for Men
This Bengaluru Community college is running a workshop to teach men how to cook, share household chores
Women come out of the woods: collectivisation in rural Maharashtra
Gadchiroli’s women first came together to protest mining in their forests. Now, they’re calling the shots
This NGO Recycles Old Clothes & Provides Free Cloth Pads To Tribal Women
Each cloth pad takes up around half a meter of material and needs to be disposed of in six months.
महिला किसानों का अन्न स्वराज (in Hindi)
खेत में अनाज का उत्पादन, भंडारण और वितरण का काम महिला किसानों ने किया है, जो पूरी तरह स्वावलंबी है। खाद्य सुरक्षा के साथ जैव विविधता का संरक्षण भी!