People of the Blue Mountains
"It's their mainstream, what we call alternatives"
Bhimashankar villagers multiply indigenous seeds
They pack one kg of a variety of indigenous seeds in cloth bags and sell them at exhibitions to encourage more farmers to cultivate them.
Karnataka: Tradition to the rescue
“The rejuvenation of tanks and kalyanis has helped in changing the landscape in a big way. Tanks of the district are still full of water."
Naraikadu: Where citizens conserved a forest for 100 years
The conservation practises in Naraikadu have been effective - the plethora of endemic flora and fauna identified here are testimony to this.
An Incredible Story of a Family That Made a Forest, an Eco-Village and Lives Medicine-Free
Going back to nature also means giving up the illogical ways of modern medicine, for Dr Pravin Chordia.
The jungle man of Coimbatore
Did you know that the elephants as they migrate also bring a variety of plants from another region?
Unique study trains eyes on ‘Devrai’s
NGO, forest dept assessing sacred groves across Pune divn, encouraging residents to sustain beneficial traditions.
Tribal crops find a haven
A tribal settlement in a Wildlife Sanctuary has turned into a treasure trove of traditionally grown, highly pest-resistant and protein-rich crops.
Many colors of groundwater in a tiny Western Ghats village
The diversity and independence of water management in Konkan is remarkable ... where communities own, maintain and manage their own water.