Revel in the beauty and grandeur of Kutch, at this four day exhibition in Delhi

Desi Oon presented by Khamir, runs at Bikaner House, Delhi from January 10-13, 2020

Counting sheep as grasslands shrink in Gujarat

Herds provided post-harvest manure for the fields with their dung and urine. The farmers gave the pastoralists bajra, sugar and tea.

In Kutch, Women Are Weaving a New Future for Themselves

New energy and perspective seen in designs and products, are transforming the already flourishing Vanaat.

Weaving Transformations

In weaving carpets on a handloom is constant thought, innovation, passion, satisfaction, and dedication going into it, as well as freedom, ...

A brand new yarn: The return of handloom weaving in Kutch

Of renewed interest in weaving and about its allure in terms of economics, culture, identity, dignity, convenience, social ties, and innovation.

Weaving a future, meter by meter

The opportunity to earn, using her weaving skills, and support her children’s education makes Sama happy.

चिराला के हथकरघे (in Hindi)

चिराला, हथकरघा की हस्तकला और कारीगरी के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। यहां की रेशम, जरी वाली साड़ी, विशेषकर पट्टूबादी साड़ी की ख्याति है।

A lost desi cotton heritage

Government needs to diversify the seed availability, regulate illegal seeds and tighten laws so farmers have a real choice, not a Hobson’s one.

Weaving an urban fabric

"Textiles can transform not just the appearance of a building but also its function”