Indigenous Farmers to Revive Millet cultivation in Kanthalloor
Twenty-five farmers from indigenous communities in Kanthalloor in Kerala are sowing millets with renewed vigour.

Indigenous Food: The Not-So-Secret Ingredient For Sustainability
Consumption of uncultivated foods in rural communities could help achieve food security and nutritionally diverse, sustainable diets!

Millet Mission : कोदो-कुटकी-रागी की समर्थन मूल्य खरीदी जोरों पर (in Hindi)
मिलेट्स का उत्पादन बढ़ाने, उन्नत तकनीक, किसानों को प्रशिक्षण, उच्च क्वालिटी बीज और सीड बैंक की मदद के लिए इंडियन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ़ मिलेट रिसर्च हैदराबाद और छत्तीसगढ़ के 14 मिलेट उत्पादक जिलों के बीच एमओयू साइन हुआ

Millet farming brings nutrition, financial security for women farmers in Bihar
"At one time I couldn’t even ride a bicycle and now I drive a scooty,” she says with a gentle laugh.

Championing community mobilisation to conserve water resources
Farmers switch over to millets in this semi-arid village in Andhra Pradesh due to the efforts of a community resource person

SIRI to set up integrated millets processing units in Telangana
(Also) setting up a back-end integration network, involving Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies

Not in the interest of women farmers!
Small and marginal farmers (including) a significant number of women need investment (for) enhanced capacities and knowledge.

“Millet Shakti Cafés – Quick Service Restaurant by WSHGs” to be launched by Mission Shakti and Odisha Millets Mission
Urban outlets to sell millets based hot cooked items, bakery products, packaged millet grains and ready to cook products.

Re-imagining food: Do we have the stomach for it?
Hunger ... is not due to lack of food, but lack of justice