The story behind the Solar Village Project Solar Initiative in Tamil Nadu’s Irumbai
Depending on the traffic to the search engine, the group will install a certain number of solar panels in the village.
Border village in Rajasthan looks up to the sun
Micro-solar installations backed by village-led cooperatives in places such as village APD 24 has, epitomise the adoption of solar power in India...
Solar Panels and Solidarity
The adivasi women of Edamalakudi, Kerala’s remotest panchayat, have helped light up their villages with solar power!
Bihar village declares independence from darkness and anonymity
Greenpeace's first solar-powered micro-grid in Dharnai village, Bihar, kicks off with village ceremony
Energy Empowerment – the Story of Bijli and Dharnai
The micro grid will involve about 100 kilowatts of solar panels that will supply affordable, sustainable and round the clock electricity to 350 households in Dharnai.