forest food
Re-imagining food: Do we have the stomach for it?

Hunger ... is not due to lack of food, but lack of justice

परंपरागत बीजों से महामारी का मुकाबला (in Hindi)

महिला किसानों के खाद्य- स्वराज की पहल ने दिया महामारी को जवाब

Landless tribes fulfill nutritient needs by growing vegetables in bags

Bori bagicha, which means garden-in-a-bag, was initiated as the villagers do not own land where they can grow vegetables

Rajasthan tribals’ struggle for indigenous practices highlighted at U.N. event

The tribal communities in Banswara, Dungarpur and Udaipur districts earlier had a (sustainable) forest resource-based livelihood

तालाबंदी में जंगल से आती है भोजन की थाली (in Hindi)

कोविद के समय जब बाजार बंद हो गए तब जंगल ने दिया खाना और पोषण। जंगल हैं आत्मनिर्भरता के प्रतीक

देसी बीजों की खेती ने भूख से बचाया (in Hindi)

तालाबंदी के कारण जब बाजार बंद थे, रोजगार और पैसों का अभाव था, तब उनको पौष्टिक अनाज व सब्जी बाड़ी से सब्जियां की कमी नहीं हुई।

Forest Rights Act and Conservation in Korchi

The Forest Rights Act has changed the lives of hundreds of people, helping them to protect their forests and increase their incomes

How to Save Forest Culture? ‘Silent’ Battle by Odisha’s Kondhs is The Right Lesson

The men, women and children from every family worked on a war footing to replant, restore and replenish the beauty of their aboriginal mother – the jungle.

A Relationship with seeds – the Paataalkot story (a translation)

Dahiya Farming assures nutrition and food security, besides saving agro-biodiversity