farming practices
Productive Efficiency Of Traditional Multiple Cropping Systems Compared To Monocultures Of Seven Crop Species: A Benchmark Study

These family farms support cereals, fruit trees, tuber plants, vines, herbs, and vertebrate and invertebrate fauna

The 10,000 FPOs scheme ignores women farmers

There is no mention about the minimum number of women FPOs to be formed, nor the minimum number of women shareholders in a mixed FPO.

Did You Think the New Laws Were Only About the Farmers?

Theirs is also a defence of the basic structure of the Constitution and of democracy itself.

किसान आंदोलन के समर्थन में बयान (in Hindi)

टिकाऊ, पुनरुत्पादक, और विविधतापूर्ण कृषि पद्धति जो पोषण सुरक्षा, उम्दा जीवनशैली और आय सुनिश्चित करेगी

In Support of the Farmers’ Movement: Statement

A sustainable, regenerative and diverse agricultural system that ensures nutritional security, better livelihoods and incomes

Not in the interest of women farmers!

Small and marginal farmers (including) a significant number of women need investment (for) enhanced capacities and knowledge.

COVID-19: Time to rethink development

It is also an opportunity to help people value the importance of happy and fulfilling lives over one based on earning money.

India needs a rainbow recovery plan

... sustainable livelihoods, to be built on regenerating and safeguarding the soil, natural ecosystems, water, biological diversity, and air.

खेती सुधार अधिनियम २०२० (in Hindi)

किसानों को कैसे बचाया जा सकता है?  कृषि उत्पादों के लिए एमआरपी जैसी कम से कम कीमतें जारी करने के जरिये?