farming practices
Millets are returning to our fields and plates

Women are the custodians of seed diversity, including millets. Seed selection, an important part of the process, is also mostly done by women.

Scientist Returns to Promote Organic Farming In His Village

A true son of the soil who is incorporating his refined medical wisdom to transform the dynamics of rural farming

Seed is better preserved this way

A Gondi Adivasi lady preserves seeds for over 12 years using a traditional technique!

Ecologies of Hope and Transformation: Post-Development Alternatives from India (2018)

The stories in the book challenge inequality, ecological damage, centralised governance, and the currently dominant model of development.

Harvesting hope: the permaculture movement in India

Permaculture farms offer food throughout the year, reduce waste and pests and keep the soil healthy and productive.

University of Ingenuity

... training small farmers to adopt natural resources for sustainable livestock farming, fishery and crop husbandry, and that too, free of cost.

Heritage in every grain

"We give each farmer (signing a pledge to use organic methods) two kilos of seed; they bring double the quantity back the next year, ”