Smartphones to map invasive plants in Tamil Nadu

Maps of vegetation are scientifically compiled from contributions by students who get to understand adverse impacts of invasive plants.

64-year old finds success through native paddy

"Raghupathi was successful mainly because he worked hard, following the basics of organic farming,"

A pond, a community and a forest fair – The story of Mesar Van Kautik

Food festivals, trail running and mini-marathons, yoga camps, story-telling sessions and bird-watching walks lead up to Mesar Van Kautik.

Sundarbans women lead the way in making dairy farms organic

"The herbs that go into herbal concoctions used as as insect repellents and for veterinary purposes come from our own herbal gardens."

Meet Taukeer Alam, the school dropout who has become one of Uttarakhand’s top birders

He handles field equipment with ease, enters field data in computer, analyses video footage of woodpeckers, initiates nature clubs in villages...

A new Chipko in Odisha

"We, the women of Balarampur, are determined not to let anybody touch our trees" says Chaturi Sahu of Balarampur village, Dhenkanal

Bargur buffaloes from Erode recognised as specific breed

Adapted for grazing in the hilly terrain, the small Bargur cattle is mainly reared for milk and manure

Kole Birders: Learning habitat conservation from the birds

Conservation understanding will naturally come with the understanding about birds.

Harvesting hope: the permaculture movement in India

Permaculture farms offer food throughout the year, reduce waste and pests and keep the soil healthy and productive.