ecological sustainability
A fruitful journey

A food safari in the desert of Rajasthan reveals a variety difficult to imagine in cities

Empowering Indian Farmers: An Interview with Sneh Yadav

Organic is a way of farming in a responsible manner, where a farmer cares for mother earth, for the environment, for animals ...

Banni pastoralists see success in battle for survival

“After 10 years of use, a Nano car would go to Bhangarwala (mechanical waste collector) whereas Banni Buffalo will produce at least four new buffaloes,”

MUSINGS: Are we getting confused again?

Sustainability is all about finding the right balance between social equity, economic prosperity and environmental conservation.

A Common Right: Defending Communal Forests in India

One of the village leaders shares the story of how they were able to protect their lands and secure the future of their community.

Once homeless, Mumbai heroes revolutionise shoe industry

Two young men launch a company that wants to ensure that no Indian walks barefoot

Glimpses of Kachchh Vikalp Sangam

The sixth Vikalp Sangam gathering was organised at Bhuj by local groups and individuals ...

Many colors of groundwater in a tiny Western Ghats village

The diversity and independence of water management in Konkan is remarkable ... where communities own, maintain and manage their own water.

The miracle of Kolkata’s wetlands – and one man’s struggle to save them

The wetlands are Kolkata's free sewage works, a fertile aquatic garden and, most importantly, a flood defence – but they’re threatened by developement.