Car-free Shimla
Activating and transforming the civic sensibilities around the issue of keeping Shimla car-free, and thereby, empowered the arguments favouring the car-free policy in the court.
Pune: Bavdhan Residents To Observe ‘No Vehicle Day’ On First Sunday Of Every Month
You can walk, run, cycle, use public transport but not start your two-wheeler or your car
Hashtags and Human Chains, Mumbai’s Youth Join Forces for Aarey
Citizens from all walks of life have joined forces with Adivasi residents to protest, forming relationships between the two different groups.
Food at the touch of a button: what does it mean for city planning?
For flats in large complexes serviced by multiple delivery boys over the day makes for traffic demands that appear scary!
A cycling India: To carve an alternative growth trail
The high ownership, low cost and easy use of bicycles make the bicycle a desirable mode of transport for many of the trips made in cities.