Can mahua seeds provide Adivasis a reliable livelihood? 

Mahua seed harvesting practices of the tribals are non-invasive & can promote conservation.

A clash of worldviews

How the modern world can learn from Indigenous cultures

मरुभूमि में पानी की रिश्तेदारी (In Hindi)

राजस्थान के तालाब सैकड़ों सालों से सदानीरा है। इन पानीदार परंपराओं की सार-संभाल गांववालों ने की है। अब इन्हें संभालने का जिम्मा युवा और महिलाओं ने लिया है।

Decoding Politics: Of, in, about Food

A woman farmer teaching the politics of food to city-based college students and village-based organic farmers.

Sowing Seeds of Ecocentrism

Journey of Jeewika as she sets up safe spaces to converse about wellness, food, societal constructs and the world within.  

Dancing into Consciousness

How an artist nurtured children of a slum dwelling, strengthened a community and is working for a more just society all by the means of art.

Raja of Stances

A freelance journalist who brings the stories of tribal survival and annihilation to the outside world.

All Ladakh Goba Association (Leh district) formed to strengthen goba system

This Association will take up various issues relating to gobas, to help strengthen their role for the benefit of Ladakhi society as a whole.

PUNARAVARTAN: Recycling natural clay during Ganesh festival

The campaign directly connects the client back to the artisans, so that the return of the clay sludge can happen between the two directly, without the need for infrastructural support.