Videos for Vikalp Sangam, by Video Volunteers

Short videos by community members on alternative initiatives that attempt to integrate ecological sustainability, economic democracy, social justice, cultural diversity and democratic governance.

Twist of the Tongue

Using mobile phones and Bluetooth, the Pahadi Korbas of Chhattisgarh record and share songs of their community and rediscover a dying language.

Gondwana Calling

A tribal ‘girl band’ talks about setting things right in Chhattisgarh’s villages

Shubhranshu Choudhary: Giving a Voice to a Ravaged, Neglected Region

When the India-born BBC reporter went to cover conflict on his home turf, he realized that journalists were getting it wrong. The locals needed to tell the stories themselves.

The new jungle drums

A unique cell phone-based networking system in Chhattisgarh helps Adivasi Gonds share local news and air grievances.