Environment and Ecology

Environmental conservation and sustainability, respecting ecological integrity and limits

This section relates to initiatives that promote the principles of ecological integrity and limits. These are initiatives which envision models of decentralized conservation of land, water and biodiversity, based on a respect for both local and modern knowledge, and considering environment as an integral part of life and work. It also highlight attempts at linking livelihoods to ecological regeneration and restoration at local and landscape level. It will feature innovative attempts to deal with problems of pollution and waste. Overall, this section will try to work towards an understanding of the ecosystem which includes sociological, historical and geographical considerations while deciding on the path that local urban/ rural communities and the larger society take towards well-being.

What can two imaginative minds create with Wild Grass and thorny tree?

Every plant, tree and even wild grass that seems useless, can enrich our lives, create livelihoods, replace store-bought plastic and be a source of pride.

The forbidden forests of Meghalaya

Ancient traditions can play a huge role in designing modern sustainability practices.

The Seed Savers of Sahyadri School (KFI), Pune

A documentary on the conservation of indigenous seeds by Sahyadri School, KFI, Khed, Pune, in the western state of Maharashtra in India.

रासायनिक खेती के गढ़ हरियाणा में किसानों को जैविक खेती से मिली गेहूं की ज्यादा पैदावार : सर्वे (in Hindi)

रबी 2020 में हरियाणा के आत्मनिर्भर जैविक खेती करने वाले किसानों में 45 फीसदी किसानों को गेहूं की पैदावार रासायनिक खेती की औसत पैदावार से ज्यादा मिली।

Water-powered generators bring electricity to Nagaland

An initiative to electrify villages in remote areas of Nagaland with water-powered generators has improved livelihoods and resilience to climate change

How Women In Himachal Are Growing Healthier Crops Using ‘Zero Budget’ Farming Techniques

Another woman farmer practicing natural farming has motivated 150 other women farmers (now part of cooperative farming)

Aamcha Jungle Dennar Nahi (We will not hand over our forest)

"We've been conserving the forest for millennia. Even our songs are similar to the sounds of animals..."

पर्यावरण-स्नेही प्राकृतिक खेती (in Hindi)

प्राकृतिक खेती, एक टिकाऊ जीवन पद्धति है, जिससे अनाज, फल, सब्जियां, ईंधन,चारा तो मिलता ही है, मिट्टी-पानी व जैव विविधता का संरक्षण भी हो रहा है।

A certification that changed the lives of this tribal community in Tirunelveli

They harvest, consume the product, feed the animals and also bring it to the market for sale to earn a living.