Environment and Ecology

Environmental conservation and sustainability, respecting ecological integrity and limits

This section relates to initiatives that promote the principles of ecological integrity and limits. These are initiatives which envision models of decentralized conservation of land, water and biodiversity, based on a respect for both local and modern knowledge, and considering environment as an integral part of life and work. It also highlight attempts at linking livelihoods to ecological regeneration and restoration at local and landscape level. It will feature innovative attempts to deal with problems of pollution and waste. Overall, this section will try to work towards an understanding of the ecosystem which includes sociological, historical and geographical considerations while deciding on the path that local urban/ rural communities and the larger society take towards well-being.

Hill tribes that once hunted elusive snow leopards now turn protectors

The training includes sensitising the Himalayan tribes about the value of co-existence and leading a mindful lifestyle for a sustainable livelihood.

Huts of knowledge: These tribal women in Odisha teach their next generation about forests through ‘kutir’ meetings

Apart from sharing traditional knowledge, the women at these meetings also spread awareness on ownership rights

When the Forest is our Garden, the garden also becomes a place for Conflict (of Interests)

Community mobilisation under the Tribal Yuva Sangathan: Fight for rights under FRA and CFRR, Conservation & revival of traditional practices, Creation of educational spaces

India Budget 2023: Green only in name?

All economic activity must be regenerative, in that it sustains the ecological and socio-cultural conditions it depends on for a thriving society

ASHA Kisan Swaraj Sammelan

Healthy portions of both critique of the mainstream system and a plethora of alternatives were dished up at the sammelan, alongside literal platefuls of delectable traditional organic foods

Joshimath Solidarity Statement – जोशीमठ के संघर्ष को समर्थन (in Hindi and English)

People who have borne the losses and been put to risk as a result of these  developments must be considered as project affected and rehabilitated and compensated fully from this

खेती और खाद्य उद्यमिता: असम की नाज़ुक अर्थव्यवस्था का पारिस्थितिकी को ध्यान में रखते हुए पुनर्निर्माण (In Hindi)

शिक्षा प्रणाली को बच्चों को आवश्यक कौशल प्रदान करने की आवश्यकता है, जैसे कि वैज्ञानिक तरीकों का उपयोग करके भोजन बढ़ाना।

How Assam’s Mising community is coping with floods through architectural design

Architectural innovations are helping the community adapt to the annual flood hazard and reduce disaster risk in some of the region’s most flood-prone areas.

 Can biodiversity be a political science teacher?

Exploring how education emplaced in local biodiversity can deepen values of equality, diversity and inclusivity among human beings