Stories of Change – case studies on Development Action and Impact

Encouraging social sector organisations to invest in developing a grounded knowledge base

A Course Reserved for Men

This Bengaluru Community college is running a workshop to teach men how to cook, share household chores

Fishing for a Difference

A story about an initiative that revives lakes and empowers communities

Sandhani – Weaving Transformations in Kachchh, India: Key Findings and Analysis

The multiple dimensions of transformation taking place in the lives and livelihoods of the weaver community of Kachchh (Gujarat).

The mothers of Nagaland are taking it upon themselves to keep the peace – yet again

To help resolve a conflict it is important for those who can reach out to rival groups to do so, as has also been done in the past.

Millet farmers devise mechanism to counter Climate Change

Millets - our heritage crops - are highly nutritious and climate resilient. They ensure food, nutrition, fodder, ecological and livelihoods security.

On Homestays and Conservation in Ladakh – Sherab Dolma interviewed

All the women in the village feel empowered and they really like it when people come from outside, sharing news and views.

After cyclone Fani, women in a migrant fishing community start resilience fund

A go-to fund created by women to take care of small expenses and activities linked to pressing needs that follow disasters.

Why ZBNF is good for India

An overwhelming number of farmers are reporting greater profitability from the ZBNF programme, and are saving on out-of-pocket expenses.