The peacocks of Yeola

... keeping alive a centuries-old legacy, while innovating to keep pace with changing tastes.

How to move a mountain

"We must be ready with ... our resolve to move mountains (of a hierarchical and unequal social order that has risen again)"

E-rickshaws in Jaipur: Freedom on three wheels

Housewives and young girls from slums in Jaipur are finding their freedom on three wheels

Seed is better preserved this way

A Gondi Adivasi lady preserves seeds for over 12 years using a traditional technique!

Men in menstruation – are we addressing the elephant in the room?

... signal that men are coming forward to accept the elephant in the room.

Ducks wade through paddy fields to bump up profits

"... considering our low cost/zero cost inputs in comparison to the chemically grown rice, our profits per bigha are higher,”

Women’s Farming Collectives – The Maharashtra Story

A collection of stories of hope by women where they assert themselves as farmers, as leaders.

Youngster sets up zero-budget millet hotel, says should return to older eating habits

Millets need less water to grow and live on whatever rainwater they receive.

Meet Aqui Thami from Darjeeling, whose travelling library is putting the spotlight on women’s books

... I was moved to reading more and more non-fiction which in turn enriched my work and life processes.