Urban Ecology
Look beyond the looks: To strategize and promote native trees in urban India

Conservation of species is possible in the cities too only if we are careful enough in doing the science and then reaching out to the government bodies and corporate houses to inform that science.

Reimagining Cities

Imagining a future where every city and its citizens claim a deep connection with its surroundings, history, knowledge systems and the commons.

How He Built a Sustainable Home

He has set up horticulture, solar power units, composting systems and rainwater harvesting in his home, influencing 4,000 people to go green.

The Indian urban forager is discovering flavours of edible weeds

Urban Indian foragers discover bursts of flavour in tangles of weeds as wild fritters, cutlets and soups become a delicious side effect of the lockdown.

Cross-border environmentalism and the future of South Asia

"When will New Delhi rise to connect the dots between representative democracy and ecological sanity?"

Remembering Dhrubajyoti Ghosh…

... a storehouse of ecological thinking and an ethical anchor that is rarely found in South Asia’s environmental landscape.

UN spotlight on Kerala’s energy-positive campus

Tropical rainforest trees help create cool surroundings. Certified green construction materials, recycled wood boards, etc. have been used.

Dhrubajyoti Ghosh: The Intrepid Ecologist and his ‘laboratory of survival’

“We count the number of millionaires, but not the millions of pickers who are active in our nation’s backyards.”