Seeds, Soil and Survival: Towards a Saner Agricultural Future

A crucial reason for the success of the organic farmers of Kedia, Zaheerabad and Niyamgiri is that they are part of or helped by larger collectives.

Roof top Water Harvesting Structure: A Source of Income with Nutrition

Chandradev understands that even a small parcel of land can be a resource if managed well.

Improving Income through Tassar cultivation

One has to understand the bounties of nature in order to harness it to improve their lives.

झारखंड में हथकरघा क्रांति (in Hindi)

आदिवासी चित्रकला को सामने लाया जा रहा है। बेंत और बांस के सामान बनाए जा रहे हैं। लुप्त होते हाथ के हुनर को फिर से सशक्त किया जा रहा है।

Thanks to Zaheerabad, Nagaland ‘rediscovers’ millets

The North East Network revived millet farming in the village, and organised a millets festival on August 30 this year, attended by women farmers from 11 villages of Nagaland.

The school on the hill

Their years in school must enhance and reinforce the traditional knowledge and skills of their community. Every child contributes in farming and tending to the animals with innate enthusiasm.

Dang women find route to empowerment through the stomach

A regular diner said he visits Dang every month just to eat at Nahri. “This food is not available anywhere else and the women serve it like a mother."

Celebrating Ravan

As the rest of the country burns effigies of Ravan, the writer visits a Gond village in Maharashtra where the ten-headed king is worshipped as god.

नियमगिरी के आदिवासियों की खेती (in Hindi)

खाद्य सुरक्षा, जैव विविधता, मौसम बदलाव और पर्यावरणीय दृष्टि से भी इसका महत्व आज बढ़ गया है। On Jhum agriculture around Niyamgiri