Students of Kochi school prepare carbon-neutral feast
The students avoided chemicals and the use of electronic objects that harm the ozone layer, while they promoted homestead farming.
देशज् तकनीक से बना मिट्टी का घर (in Hindi)
स्थानीय मिट्टी, पानी और लकड़ी से बना घर बहुत उपयोगी है। इससे सैकड़ों बेघर लोगों के मकान का सपना साकार हो सकता है।
In Responding to COVID Crisis, Prioritise Human and Environmental Health, Learning Lessons from First Wave!
Statement by the Vikalp Sangam Core Group, 6 May 2021
Young Farmers in Ladakh: The Future of Our Food
Growing ranks of youngsters are returning to Ladakh to contribute to a new form of progress.
Electric vehicles are only one part of sustainable transit
Reducing per capita car ownership and driving miles is required.
The Water Managers in Kibber
The irrigation technique is passed on from mother to daughter, from the time little girls start helping in the fields.
Delhi Govt schools monetise solar power, expect to earn Rs 8.5 crore and save Rs 8.8 crore on bills!
Delhi schools are taking up this opportunity to generate green energy and improve their finances.
Neither govt nor protesting farmers recognise challenge of depleting natural resources and climate crisis
Any sound economic and techno-scientific model must have agroecology and equity at the core.
Goonj Initiative Helps Bihar Villagers Build Bamboo Bridge Amid Floods
With 250 pieces of bamboo sticks, the determined locals toiled for five days to build a 400-metre-long and 1.5-metre-wide bridge.