sustainable prosperity
Engineer-Turned-Farmer Harnesses Wind, Solar Energy; 450 Entrepreneurs

... the winds were good between May and October, while in the remaining months the sunlight was strong,

किसान आंदोलन के समर्थन में बयान (in Hindi)

टिकाऊ, पुनरुत्पादक, और विविधतापूर्ण कृषि पद्धति जो पोषण सुरक्षा, उम्दा जीवनशैली और आय सुनिश्चित करेगी

Neither govt nor protesting farmers recognise challenge of depleting natural resources and climate crisis

Any sound economic and techno-scientific model must have agroecology and equity at the core.

In Support of the Farmers’ Movement: Statement

A sustainable, regenerative and diverse agricultural system that ensures nutritional security, better livelihoods and incomes

Removing forest dwellers from areas to protect biodiversity costs more than involving them: report

"... Such examples of realising economic benefits have a direct positive impact on forest growth,”

What you can repair is what you own

The right to enjoy, manage and alienate his belonging, be it movable or immovable - ‘If you can’t fix it, you don’t own it.’

न बिजली, न डीजल-ईंजन फिर भी ये आदिवासी किसान कर रहे हैं सिंचाई (in Hindi)

इस प्रकार, प्रकृति, वन्य जीव, और जंगल का संरक्षण करते हुए कृषि के लिए पानी की व्यवस्था की है।

In the pursuit of ‘Khushaal Zindagi’- Journey of villagers from being Beneficiary to Researcher

The discussion on the imagination of ‘Khushaal zindagi’ (Good Life) brought different age and sex groups to talk to each other.

COVID-19: Time to rethink development

It is also an opportunity to help people value the importance of happy and fulfilling lives over one based on earning money.