रेडियो ‘ब्लूटूथ’ कर रहा है कमाल (in Hindi)

हर गाँव से एक व्यक्ति हर सुबह अपने ग्राम पंचायत के दफ़्तर में आकर अपने ब्लूटूथ वाले मोबाइल फ़ोन में 'कुडुक' भाषा में बने रेडियो कार्यक्रम को डाउनलोड करता है.

Is solar power the real solution to India’s energy crisis?

The bulk of India's energy will be generated using hydrocarbon and nuclear. A healthy energy mix is pre-requisite for long-term energy independence.

Rooftop farmers reap rich harvests

These urban farmers educate people about the benefits of organic farming and also do their bit to make the city a cleaner, greener place to live.

What an idea!

Perhaps most promising was the ‘fish bowl’ session where anyone seeking or offering collaboration stepped into the middle and invited potential collaborators to discuss taking their ideas forward together.