seed saving
Community seed banks give Sahariyas a new lease of life

Seed banks focusing on collection of grain varieties that used to be consumed by the Sahariyas for ages ...

Against the grain: why millet is making a comeback in rural India

Sharing knowledge, increasing their output, and accessing new markets.

Odisha Millet Mission: The successes and the challenges

"For the first time in 72 years, a key agriculture mandi intervention has taken place in Malkangiri"

Some heritage for your halwa

Black carrots are grown for their health benefits, while the yellow ones are tasty and used to make pickles.

A quick survey of wheat diversity in India

Eating diversity and paying the farmer is a way all of us can contribute to agro-biodiversity conservation.

The draft seeds bill favours the industry over farmers

The current seeds bill bears the imprint of the seed industry which never masks its displeasure at the enabling provisions granted to farmers

Farm body on mission to boost organic cotton cultivation

Cotton cultivation here is rain-fed. As an established principle, they don’t export any produce.

A living gene bank

Small parcels of grains from marked off plots devoted to specific varieties are handed over as seeds to interested farmers.

This Kolhapur Man Runs An Organic Store Which Doesn’t Create Any Waste

"... the oils are wood-pressed, flours and powders are stone-ground, and seeds are of the heirloom variety.”