In Kashmir, an imperilled zone of peace

" ... a number of peaceful protests were organised here and in Srinagar and no incident of violence was ever reported,”

For vote-seekers, a manifesto from livestock breeders

Compensation is due for grazing-land in forests, lost when a dam is being built or development projects are undertaken.

Counting sheep as grasslands shrink in Gujarat

Herds provided post-harvest manure for the fields with their dung and urine. The farmers gave the pastoralists bajra, sugar and tea.

From ‘Tent Nazir’ to ‘RTI Nazir’: Towards governance accountability in Kashmir, India

His passion for making the system accountable, through the dogged use of the RTI Act, takes up much of his time.

On rights, the Congress manifesto scores over the BJP

An alternative approach to well being ... would democratise the economy, promote healthy living and respect rights of nature too.

Swimming camels, mangrove islands of Kachchh face mounting challenges

“We don’t want grains or a house; just give us our grazing land.”

Restoring tank irrigation can strengthen rural climate resilience

A comprehensive water policy that includes tank irrigation, groundwater and canal irrigation, is needed.

Meet Taukeer Alam, the school dropout who has become one of Uttarakhand’s top birders

He handles field equipment with ease, enters field data in computer, analyses video footage of woodpeckers, initiates nature clubs in villages...

Camel milk is gaining popularity. Could it be an alternative for dairy market?

The dairy cooperatives in Gujarat collect 10,000 litres of camel milk per week from the Kachchh district.