How women from Bihar tackled COVID 19 by building food systems

Tribal communities have conserved native seeds, adapted to the soil and local climatic conditions.

Banswara’s migrant tribal labourers are now proud organic farmers

Tribal farmers are now becoming torch bearers of organic cultivation in the state where the government is pushing for zero-budget farming to increase farmers’ income and restore soil health and fertility.

A fully organic Ladakh? Towards food sovereignty on the roof of the world

... to take Ladakh where it needs to go - towards ecologically resilient and socially just food security and sovereignty.

What can two imaginative minds create with Wild Grass and thorny tree?

Every plant, tree and even wild grass that seems useless, can enrich our lives, create livelihoods, replace store-bought plastic and be a source of pride.

रासायनिक खेती के गढ़ हरियाणा में किसानों को जैविक खेती से मिली गेहूं की ज्यादा पैदावार : सर्वे (in Hindi)

रबी 2020 में हरियाणा के आत्मनिर्भर जैविक खेती करने वाले किसानों में 45 फीसदी किसानों को गेहूं की पैदावार रासायनिक खेती की औसत पैदावार से ज्यादा मिली।

पर्यावरण-स्नेही प्राकृतिक खेती (in Hindi)

प्राकृतिक खेती, एक टिकाऊ जीवन पद्धति है, जिससे अनाज, फल, सब्जियां, ईंधन,चारा तो मिलता ही है, मिट्टी-पानी व जैव विविधता का संरक्षण भी हो रहा है।

A certification that changed the lives of this tribal community in Tirunelveli

They harvest, consume the product, feed the animals and also bring it to the market for sale to earn a living.

Santosh Bai: Transitioning towards natural farming

She prefers her homemade fertilizers and pesticides like Amritpani, cow dung fertilizer and used Neem water and Akao leaves for pest control

Fostering health of the self and the soil

If the grains from the conventional chemical practices have destroyed our body so much then what impact they’d have had on the soil and water!