Naraikadu: Where citizens conserved a forest for 100 years

The conservation practises in Naraikadu have been effective - the plethora of endemic flora and fauna identified here are testimony to this.

Don’t always go by the textbook

We need Textbooks which convey updated understanding of the issues, talk of the complexities around us and respect the intelligence of students.

With nature for company

Merging traditional way of understanding weather with science and technology can augment adaptation to climate change too.

How skateboarding brings social change in Madhya Pradesh village

The skatepark had just two rules—“Girls first” and “No school, no skateboarding”—the rest was left up to the kids.

Questioning the consumption based developmental paradigm

Taking up personal and social initiatives in order to create awareness and reduce environmental impact...

Nai talim: whither the question of relevance?

Solutions to the present crisis in society at the individual as well as the planetary level exist in the vision Gandhi presented.

Photos: Maharashtra school kids capture hidden lives of animals

In mid-2014, professional camera traps were set up. Before long, the hidden world of mammals – particularly at night – began to reveal itself.

On observation and What Prevents Observation

What we do with our children is to make bonsai out of them and not to let them grow to their potential as we think bonsai is their potential.