Nutritional Security
आधुनिक उपजीविकेची साधने झाली मृत्यूच्या वाटा (in Marathi)

आनंद आणि सुख यांच्या समावेशासह, कामाची नवीन व्याख्या करणे शक्य आहे का?

Why do we wait so restlessly for the workday to end and for the weekend to come?

Imagine if we redefined work to include enjoyment and pleasure?

Campaign in tribal areas to make North Andhra a millet hub

The five-year project aims to increase productivity, household consumption, value addition, marketing support, setting up of processing centres etc.

Integral Community Building with Food in Jaipur

Looking at food in life serving ways ...

Maharashtra Village Women Take Charge of Ration Shops, Ensure Fair Prices & Food for All

Women in Korchi village of Maharashtra run a ration shop to ensure that their family members are getting nutritious food throughout the year.

Woman earns profit growing organic millets

Millet farmers are able to influence a large number of farmers raising paddy and sugarcane to switch over to organic farming in their area.

आघे चो बीज के सम्हालतो बिता किसान (in Halbi language of Bastar )

हुनचो लग १०० किसम चो देसी धान आसे. ए सपाय धान चो बारे में हुन अलग अलग नानी नानी जानकारी खोजलोसे.

Roof top Water Harvesting Structure: A Source of Income with Nutrition

Chandradev understands that even a small parcel of land can be a resource if managed well.

Meet India’s female ‘seed guardians’ pioneering organic farming

The ‘seed guardians’ of Odisha are pioneering new ways of sharing and storing seeds to reap a more sustainable future