natural resources
More crop per drop through injection well

This technique utilises rain water for recharging natural aquifers in the rural sector where ponds exist.

Micro-hydro Power in Udmaroo village

The micro-hydro power station at Udmaroo is owned and operated entirely by the people, and has helped the village to become more self-reliant.

Rebirth of a lake

Just give nature a chance and in turn she will benefit you and your families in ways you cannot imagine.

All the way to Timbaktu

We sensed that there is perhaps some urgency in affirming that we are not alone. That we not only share ideas with like-minded individuals across the globe. That we are intimately connected to many different kinds of people through our day-to-day lives.

Radical movements and initiatives in Latin America – A source of learning for social movements in India

A wide diversity of movements have arisen in Latin America, in four countries: Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Venezuela. Each of these has significant lessons for progressive movements in India